Tuesday, June 16, 2009

Gainfully Employed

As many of you know, I have been waiting (and waiting and waiting) to hear back from Drs. Dyck and Rollenhagen regarding a potential job at their optometry office. They finally called on Monday and officially offered me the job! I think they do a lot less medical care than what we did in Clay just because of the proximity of ophthalmologists that they can send patients on to.

I've met both doctors and some of the staff and they seem like they'll be easy to get along with. They are what I would call a "family-friendly" office, so I don't have any worries about them not being understanding when it comes to the occasional sick child, etc. However, they are wanting me to start about a week sooner than I had planned on because one of the doctors is going to be gone that week and they thought it would be easier for me to get my feet wet when the office is slower. I still have to check with daycare about when Shelby can start, but I am already dreading having to leave her.

A side note to my Clay Center office ladies: My new office is open 8-5 Monday through Friday. No later evenings, no Saturdays, and they close the office from 1-2 for lunch. Don't be jealous! :) I miss you guys!


  1. So when do they want you to start? Congrats!

  2. July 20 - That's only four weeks away!!

  3. Congrats, Lindy! Hope it's a great fit for you and the family!
    Mandy & Jan
