Thursday, May 28, 2009

One Year Ago

This picture was taken in May a year ago at Kenny's sister, Nikki's high school graduation party. My baby's getting big.

Wednesday, May 27, 2009

First Day

Autumn's first day at her new daycare was yesterday and she loved it! She was a very dirty and tired little girl when we picked her up. When we left, she was squirming around in Kenny's arms trying to get down, so he put her down as we were walking to the truck. She turned right around and started heading for the doors to go back inside. She's in the Toddler 2 classroom so most of the kids are 2 years old already, but she seems to do just fine with them and both yesterday and this morning a couple of the kids came right up to her and offered to share a toy.

This week's theme is "New Friends." They read stories and do activities that coordinate with the theme each day. They go over colors, shapes, numbers, etc. during circle time. Today she got to use water colors and they did a bean bag toss. The classroom also has their own outdoor play area with age appropriate toys so they are free to run around when the weather permits.

The daycare is run by the First Christian Church and all the teachers and staff we've met have been very nice. We feel lucky that they had an opening for her and they will also have an opening for the new baby in late July/early August because hopefully by that time, I will have a job and be ready to start working. I get more accomplished during my days now that she is at daycare, but I miss having her around. They have a colorful mural of Noah's ark that I want to take a picture of her in front of. When I get it done, I'll post it for you.

UPDATE: Here is Autumn's daycare picture. This is the best one we got because she kept running off to her classroom to play!

Thursday, May 21, 2009

...Breaking News...

Autumn tinkled in her big-girl potty for the first time this morning! She managed to get her pants and diaper off all by herself (while standing in the hallway outside the bathroom), so I set her on her potty and told her to tinkle while I got a diaper out of her room. When I got back, she stood up and there it was! There were lots of high fives and "yay's." I's one of those details that only Mommy and Papa get really excited about, but I thought I'd share anyway. We called Kenny at work to tell him. I'm sure it was the highlight of his morning. :)

Sunday, May 17, 2009

Free Chocolate

I saw this online from a couple of different sources and thought I'd pass it along. Mars -makers of favorites like M&Ms, Snickers, and Milky Way - is giving away free candy. Each Friday, you can go to their website and if you are one of the first 250,000 people, they will send you a coupon for a free product. You can also give your email address and they will remind you a day ahead of time so you don't forget. So, even if you are not a candy eater, you could still sign up and if you get a coupon give it to someone else like...oh,! Just kidding. Seriously, who wouldn't want free chocolate?

Thursday, May 14, 2009


Here are some pictures of Autumn from last week.

She is a pasta lover like her mama and especially likes spaghetti - probably because she can make a big mess of it. Now she has started taking her bib off before she is done eating, so sometimes I take a pink bandanna that I have and tie it around her neck so she can't get it off. Other times, like here, she just doesn't wear any clothes. No clothes = no stains!

I made Kenny take a picture of us because we don't have a lot of pictures of me with her that I like. Usually I am the picture taker. This one came out pretty good. He took another one at this same time of the band-aid on her knee/my baby belly. She had tripped on the sidewalk when we were playing outside and got her first big girl band-aid.

This was another day when we went outside to play. We had beautiful weather last week for the most part and went outside to play almost every day when Kenny came home from work. She had worn this little dress all day, but the rest of the outfit she picked out on her own. Usually, she wears her sandals but on this day she refused and pretty much threw a fit until Kenny got her tennis shoes down. Then, she noticed the hat was on the closet shelf by her shoes and insisted on wearing it even though it was way too small for her head. It kept blowing off in the breeze and eventually she abandoned it outside. And then, of course, you can't leave the house without your purse. She's such a goof!

Saturday, May 9, 2009


Ugh. We have ants in our house. We saw them when we were looking at the house, but I thought it was no big deal. No one had been living here for a while, so we just needed to put out some ant killer stuff and they'd go away, right? Wrong. I swear they have more lives than a cat. I killed sixteen on the kitchen counter one morning...yes, I counted. That was not a typical morning, but still the longer they are here the more they gross me out!

Kenny got these good little ant traps and we put them around where most of the ants were congregating. I had one on the kitchen counter and it worked really well, so I moved it to my bathroom and it got rid of the ants there. I put it back on the kitchen counter, but it didn't seem to be working at all so I trashed it. We've been here about four weeks. According to the package, those trap things are supposed to work for three months. That's how many ants we have.

Apparently, it's a common problem around here, but that doesn't make me feel any better about it. Kenny spread some ant killer stuff on the lawn with the grass fertilizer and put it up close all around the house so they have to crawl across it to get in. Any other ideas for getting rid of the nasty little creatures are welcome!

Friday, May 1, 2009

Preparation For the Long Nights Ahead

Autumn has a head cold that came out of nowhere. Her little nose turned on like a faucet yesterday and her sinuses are so stuffy that she has tears running out of her eyes. I think head colds are the worst because anything else you can usually take something for and be better. Sinus stuff just has to wear off. We did give her a little bit of Children's Tylenol Cold last night and we had an awful night. Not being able to breathe well didn't help, but I think the cold medicine made her hyper. We tried everything and she didn't really settle down until about 2:30 am and then Kenny has to get up at 6:30 for work. Needless to say we were all grumpy and exhausted. She seems to be resting better for now, but we'll see how long it lasts.

I think maybe it's Somebody reminding us about what's to come with the new baby. Hopefully his or her nights will be easier than what Autumn's were when we first brought her home. She slept very well during the day in her bassinet, but at night just cried and cried from being gassy. The only way to calm her was to walk - not hold her while laying down, not rock in the rocking chair - walk. So around and around our house we went. I remember Kenny and our friend, Ken, were laying down our wood floors at the time so the carpet was torn up down the the underflooring and each night we had a little bit more wood floor to walk on as we made our circles. We thought that stage was never going to pass, but here we are with a walking, talking little girl and I wonder what happened to that tiny baby we brought home.