Sunday, April 26, 2009

Hints of Things to Come

Autumn has officially reached her independent stage. At this time, it mostly consists of her answering nearly every question with "no!" The one exception is if you ask her if she wants to go outside (or "yi-yi") and you'll get a "yea." We found a new way today to get her to say yes. I had been wanting to go shopping for clothes because my baby belly is quickly outgrowing everything that I have, so we decided to go today just to get out of the house for a little while. Autumn had been eating lunch and this is how my conversation with her went.

Lindy: Autumn, are you done eating?
Autumn: No!
Lindy: Can Mommy wash your hands?
Autumn: No!
Lindy: We have to wash so you can play.
Autumn: No!

Finally, she's cleaned up and running around looking for Kenny because she loves to play with him and follow him around. From down the hallway I hear

Kenny: Autumn, do you want to go to the mall?
Autumn: Yea!

and she ran off to get her shoes.


  1. Now wait a minute ... she doesn't always say yes to Daddy does she? Ha!

  2. Or Matt thought maybe it is the way Kenny worded his question. Do you want to the mall, could have been mistaken for Do you want to go...outside. Hmmm, you know, Beano & Lulu are up for anything if we say Do you wanna...!
